Monday, April 2, 2012

Why Immigration Law In Arizona May Be Struck Down | Bonjour ...

Immigration law in Arizona is enacted in a statute called SB1070 which states that all aliens in the state carry their documents with them at all times and mandates that police question anybody who they suspect may be in the country illegally. It is a very controversial law as it also targets employers who hire and hide illegal immigrants.

The tough law has been criticized by many especially human right advocates who feel that the new law violates immigrants civil right. They go on to say that the legislation goes against the US constitution which says that no person should go through unreasonable searches or seizure without a court warrant. It has been labeled as unfair because it will result in racial profiling of Hispanics since they are from neighbouring countries to the US.

The reason why the Governor of the state passed this legislation is because she and other officials felt that the federal government was taking too long in deciding what to do with illegal aliens in the country. They felt that crime continues to go up and the tough economy has made it difficult for US citizens and legal aliens to get work because they have to compete with the illegal individuals.

The citizens of this southern state are even involved in implementing the new SB 1070 legislation . Article 8, Part G gives them authority to go after any police officials who ignore their job of going after illegal immigrants. The aim is to reduce crime along the border with Mexico and to stop illegal aliens from taking American jobs in that state.

It is against Arizona law for an illegal immigrant to falsify their status and seek employment. These individuals are expected to register themselves with the government so they can stop living in the shadows. Police officers can arrest anybody who they believe has committed acts that would make them to be deported under federal law.

Opponents of this legislation say that it does not make sense because it is difficult to know who is a US citizen, permanent resident or even illegal alien. Moreover, just because an individual speaks Spanish more fluently than English does not mean they are illegal in the country. The crackdown can be offensive to legal individuals and natural born citizens who don?t carry their documentation with them.

Other states such as Utah and Alabama have followed similar policies like those enacted by immigration law in Arizona. The issue remains divisive and has led many illegal aliens to marry US citizens or permanent residents in order to avoid being deported. Others choose another route- going back to their home countries.

Get the information you need about immigration law in Arizona. Knowledgeable and experienced professionals can help you understand and navigate immigration reform effectively!

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