Friday, January 4, 2013

Lost your creativity? | Self Improvement Secrets | Montgomery ...

You need a 7 Day BrainwashI must be honest. There are some days when I sit down to write and I think there?s not a shred of creativity in me. Today, as I began, was one of those days.

So I thought, why don?t I tell them about that? How do you get creative or resourceful when it just doesn?t seem to be there?

Easy peasy, as we used to say at school. (I think we might have added ?lemon squeezy? too ? but who cares?).

I simply remember all the times I have been resourceful. I see myself sitting at my desk writing furiously, wondering how on earth so much time can have passed I?m on such a roll. I recall times when I was teaching, or explaining something passionately to my kids, or when I had to think up a plausible excuse to get myself out of a hole, or when friends dropped in unexpectedly and I concocted a meal out of a larder I had considered empty ?. the number of times any one of us has been creative and resourceful is huge.

Pretty soon, my brain is so full of ideas, I wonder if I can just keep to one a day. My posture changes, I may walk about, my breathing is different.

And you know what? You can do it the other way round too. If I change my posture, my breathing and my movements to the way I am when I feel creative, that old creative feeling comes back all by itself.



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